Review: PinkDate

Review: PinkDate

PinkDate is a new mobile app and service that states that it is designed to connect sex workers and clients in much the same way as Uber connects drivers with riders.

The problem is, Consensual Transactional Sex (CTS) is NOT the same as getting a ride in a car.

I have serious issues with this service and cannot recommend it at all.

My first problem is that there are no sex workers involved in the design or leadership of this company. The one that was involved was kicked out, essentially for being a sex worker. The other creators felt that she was somehow a liability due to the current laws (which they openly intend to break anyway). Without the direct involvement of at least one current or former sex worker, there is little faith that this company will do anything to place the safety and security of sex workers as any sort of priority.

Second problem, this company is not a company. They have no status as any sort of business entity, anywhere. That is problematic and highly suspicious. That is the kind of thing scam artists do.

Third problem for me, they will only be using cryptocurrency—primarily Bitcoin. In my opinion cryptocurrencies are far to erratic and unstable to be useful. All transactions will be handled by Bitcoin.

Which brings us to problem number four—a really, really big one: All transactions go through PinkDate. Clients pay for sessions through the app. And PinkDate will be keeping about 20% of the transaction. As a long-time CTS client, I have always preferred paying providers directly. And 20% is absolutely ridiculous. Borderline offensive to me.

And now we come to another big problem. Number five: screening. Apparently, once a person is signed up, they are considered “screened”. There seems to be an implication that providers are supposed to only use PinkDate’s screening, not their own. Since all communication is supposed to go through the app, the sex workers are limited in their ability to do their own screening. Yet there are no real guarantees at this point concerning how PinkDate plans on screening clients. Questions as to whether they intend to use any of the existing blacklists available online have gone unanswered. That is less than reassuring.

And now we come to another problem: Who will be in control? The Sex Workers or the company? I pulled this quote from the PinkDate website:

“Working for PinkDate will be safer and more profitable than being independent or working for a local organization.”

Perhaps it’s just me, but this sounds like sex workers who contract with PinkDate will be employees. But since the “company” has no legal corporate identity, ladies are in fact working for what I can only describe as an online pimp. I fear that any ladies working for PinkDate will be giving up a lot of freedom. That is most unsettling.

We do not know who is running PinkDate, we don’t know how they are running it, where they are running it, or why. There are just too many questions and concerns. As such, The ValleyScott Blog advises both sex workers and clients to avoid PinkDate at this time.

Grade: F
Additional Reading:

Editor’s Note: It appears that PinkDate has suspended operations indefinitely. For more click here: PinkDate Failure?

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  1. Thanks for the review. Agree that the paltform sounds very suspicious and using Bitcoin sounds more like a drag. It’s so volatile providers would need to be updating their rates every couple hours


  2. Some valid points, but just to clarify, transactions are expected to mostly be in cash. Commission fees are to be paid using cryptocurrency. Providers who sign up will be issued a small amount of Bitcoin and walked through the process of how to get into crypto. Provider rates will be listed in dollars, as normal.

    I agree PD should have sex workers on board helping to create policy. I hope they bring people on soon. But the fact that the team is anonymous is essential given the FOSTA/SESTA environment. They arrested the Pirate Bay founders in places as far flung as Cambodia. The reach of law enforcement is far and I think many who have started sex work sites as fully registered, public individuals have underestimated their risk exposure.

    You rightly point out that anonymity makes rational individuals nervous. But I also think rational individuals should acknowledge that while not ideal, anonymity is essential if the platform is to have any hope of staying in operation in the long term.

    As far as calling it “pimping,” I disagree with that assessment. Nobody is being coerced. Providers can choose to use the platform or not. It’s completely free unless they make a successful date, versus the current model of paying listing sites that may end up being completely fruitless. I think providers should ask themselves if the commission fee is worth it and go from there. I also hope that eventually the model moves to a stepped fee structure, such that a date with a new client starts out at a high fee and then it decreases or even goes away on subsequent dates.


    • Thank you for commenting, Jacob.
      I’d like to address a couple of your comments.

      Anonymity is important in this community due to certain legal restrictions. I make use of a certain amount of it myself. “ValleyScott” is not my legal name, obviously. But in order to instill some level of trust for those who use my site, I must be public in a certain manner so that people know who is running this blog. We in the community have zero sense of who is behind PinkDate. (We also have that problem with a few other websites). Complete anonymity prevents the community from being able to assess the trustworthiness of a website. We don’t need legal filings, but it would be nice to have a clue as to who the players are in this game.

      Second, due to the nature of how PinkDate is going to do business, FOSTA/SESTA is the least of their troubles. By taking “commissions” from the providers, they are operating as a agency, and therefore can fall under various pimping or pandering laws.

      The commissions also mean that the ladies are no longer truly independent. I and many other clients don’t like the idea of other people getting paid for what the ladies do. This is why many of us make a concerted effort not to see pimped ladies. We want the lady to keep what she earns.

      I do not like this set-up at all. It takes far to much from the providers, and it does nothing to truly protect them. In fact, due to the commissions, it could be used to legally hurt the woman, since prosecutors could make use of RICO laws. This is an all-around bad set-up, especially in light of the difficult times we are in.


      • Nobody wants women to be coerced or exploited, but if PinkDate is offering a service and getting paid for it, I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing.

        The company offers screening, listing, logistics, etc. Women in the business already pay for these services. They also pay out of pocket for hotel and travel expenses, etc. They often hire virtual assistants to help out with booking. They regularly hire web developers, photographers, pay for advertising services. So in a broad sense, they do not “keep” all the money that is handed over from the client. A lot of it goes to defray costs.

        To me there’s a huge difference between voluntarily paying for services versus being coerced or pimped. I don’t see how the PinkDate situation, where they offer a service for anyone to use and that anyone is free to join and subsequently leave at any time, is at all similar to pimping in any meaningful, ethical sense. PinkDate just wraps up a lot of convenience services that women are very often paying for anyway into a single onestop shop.

        Some women will choose to use them, many others won’t. But critically it is a choice, and consent is the most important thing.

        The law side is a totally different ball of wax. But I don’t think anyone here would appeal to the law as a good reference for ethics or morals.


        • Jacob, I’m wondering if you would be willing to be honest with everyone here about your connection to PinkDate. Your choice to defend it makes me wonder if you stand to profit from it.

          As for expenses that the ladie have, being part of PinkDate is not mitigating any of those except advertising (which can run from the very expensive to completely free in cost). But with such a high commission it is increasing the expenses women will have to pay. I do not think that is a good thing.

          This business model just seems highly exploitive to me. There is a serious lack of control on the part of the women over too much of the process. It is rife with potential for trouble. There are just too many questions and potential pitfalls, so I stand by my assessment and my recommendation for people to avoid using PinkDate.


          • “Jacob, I’m wondering if you would be willing to be honest with everyone here about your connection to PinkDate.”

            It’s so obvious LOL.

            Scott, I enjoy your piece here about PinkD because if I were them, I would be either be preoccupied with revamping my failure to finally shut everyone up with a relaunch — new & improved PinkDate 2.0 woo


            Accept its demise and move on instead of clinging on to something that not’s there, not trusted, and not well-liked.

            Ronnie was following some of us on social media, and he was on the prowl:

            ^ Damn right it requires funding! Don’t try to recruit me or other escorts for free labor on your crusty project ugh

            let go of (nonexistent) PinkDate… just let it go, Ronnie…. let it go…..

            Liked by 1 person

      • I think it’s rational for readers to assume I have a bias, but I think I’m making pretty reasonable assertions.

        Personally I think a commission model is much more ethical. It means that PinkDate wants providers to make successful dates. Their interests align. This is distinct from listing sites, which really don’t care if providers are successful or not. Sites like Eros will sometimes take money, cancel or remove listings without warning or explanation, etc.

        I don’t understand why “this service costs too much” suddenly crosses from a simple business calculation into exploitation. If the service costs too much, the business will fail. If providers find it provides value, then they’ll use it and pay for it. Simple as that.

        I just don’t see how that makes it remotely similar to pimping or coercion. If you think the business model sucks because it’s too expensive and no one will use it, that makes sense to me. But crossing over from a simple assessment of business viability to condemning it on ethical grounds is a bit mystifying.


    • Oh, and as a side note. The abbreviation “PD” is already being used in the community to denote the website PrivateDelights, so PinkDate should not be referred to in that way. Nicknames are one of those first-come basis kind of things.


    • They arrest to question. Keep in mind solicitation is a puppy lick. Is so minor in fact that its advantageous to select the PRIVATE COUNSELING!!!! you’re getting a friend And resource for life. Not to mention a network . Of people talking to them and passing to you the signs that saw from the corrupt pd that lied to cuff you. 2 cents. Worth every penny.

      Prostitution is a seriously bad crime. That’s seeking out sex and selling sex.

      Escorts take you no where. Most providers think they’re pros.

      Im a provider. I truly PROVIDE what unique opportunity is presented . But I’m rare. I love what I do. I used to. Fosta ruined it.

      Actually the industry/biz model did. Lol

      I think there is so many falacies. If I could just make an app..


  3. if they are only dealing with crypto then why are they adamant about getting my banking info and debit card number to join and start using the service? i tried to sign up with a few different cards the last being my cash app debit card, which works everywhere else a normal debit card works. it’s very suspicious to me they won’t let ladies accept payment or even use the site without giving them bank info. they don’t ask for a crypto account.

    i don’t believe they screen clients other then them having the money to pay, they don’t do anything to protect us, we sit blindly being set up for dates. they don’t use screening or blacklist sites as you have to be a verified provider, agencies don’t get granted access to these type of sites, men don’t get granted access to these types of sites. and they usually require an invitation or vouch from an established provider. without them having any swers as part of their team, it’s highly unlikely anyone is checking for them if the clients who use the site are safe or blacklisted. i don;t know what it takes for men to join but they have not made it easy, i even emailed them about my issues joining and they were no help, they didn’t care that i had issues and did nothing to help resolve the issues. so they certainly don’t care about the providers.

    they say yes to every guy with money and don’t care what his history is, much like a pimp and having their handout to collect the funds to then distribute to the lady, maintaining all the control much like a pimp does. pimps don’t have to coerce a lady to do anything, they son’t even have to be forced. pimps provide a false sense of security and answer texts pretending to be the lady, negotiating the rate and collecting upon arrival, they manipulate ladies into thinking they need them to work to see clients and book their rooms because it’s likely she doesn’t have ID to do so. most ladies aren’t even aware they’re being pimped, you control her mind and you don’t need to force her to do anything.


    • I don’t know where your getting asked for banking information, but we don’t ask for that. We wouldn’t even ask for your card information. We don’t want your card information, it doesn’t do anything for us. You aren’t verifying with it, you aren’t paying for ads using it, there is no reason for it. What site are you connecting to? Currently, we aren’t asking for a wallet either, though that feature is being built in.

      We most certainly do not say yes to every guy with money, that would be dangerous and I would refuse to be part of it. We don’t negotiate with the client, you set your prices. We don’t contact the clients, they continue talking directly to you.

      The level of misinformation here is something I’d love to address, in as much detail as is required. Hey ValleyScott whenever your ready


      • I got into an enormous argument with the founder of Seeking arrangement and what’s your price I believe his name is Wayne ?

        I believe the latter site what your price is well don’t get me started this guy is a sad and shriveled up one and has a serious problem with professional providers but I think what’s your price is a one-way ticket to possible date rape.

        We’re talking about novice girls going out there who could be getting hundreds of dollars for dates and what happens if the guy drinks too much?

        The thing is with providers is we are THE boss and our clients understand that and I’ve in 20 years have had probably 2OR3 bad CALLS where I didn’t feel like the boss we know how to handle men and if a guy ever did that and said that he paid money so we owe him to come upstairs ???

        we would know exactly what to do with the guy like no question and it would be “absolutely not buddy you got what you paid for goodbye good night ”

        and/or all we have to do is lie and say “okay here’s the deal I got a crip on one corner I got the blood on the other make a decision buddy I didn’t think so good night ”

        and walk away and I can picture a girl on the stand ….

        saying I didn’t ask for it.

        I can picture the founder on the defense side ….

        I can picture him ….

        and I picture the defense winning ….

        I think sites like this persecute the bravery and just exactly what we do ..
        For me i help men and i handle them regular everyday incredibly awesome warrior but also I’m.just regular people who truly know what I’m doing
        I’ve honed my craft not everybody’s good at it but I’m damn good at what I do and I know all businesses need the very best.

        Just like this industry ….hey vouv remember asking him what about a girl that retires doesn’t she get a shot ???


        and so I think these ridiculous sites have got to stop it because I it’s date rape in the making…

        after all do you hear any voices do you have any court cases to voice about? Because I’m sure nobody would ever talk


  4. “They (PinkDate) just wanted to make money off the backs of escorts.” – Sarah Sevens

    Sarah Stevens, former PinkDate President, was dropped and replaced by PinkDate Anonymous. This unknown entity will never be trusted by escorts.

    Stevens, a former escort herself, brought a sense of empathy, trust & engagement with the escort community. It’s difficult as hell to gain trust from your audience, especially when you are new! Don’t forget the sponsors that invested in PinkD. They’re never going to trust PinkD. Due to PinkD’s overall irresponsibility, neither should we!

    FOSTA has made escorts hesitant towards new platforms; however, FOSTA has also generated awareness for the initiation of more platforms owned by escorts. Now, Stevens is replaced by an unknown team with no one to relate to escorts, and escorts now feel most vulnerable as platforms simply wipe them away without seeing them as people…


  5. I think that’s thebiggest issue most escorts have with most sites. If there’s not a lady involved at the top then the site is client bias and doesn’t take into consideration the escorts concerns or what works for us. Men will never fully comprehend a woman’s point of view. Never. That’s not anyone’s fault, besides the brain chemistry it heavily has to do with gender roles and growing up. Men/boys have always been more physical, play fighting, sports, aggressive in general. For that reason men can’t understand what it’s like to be physically over powered by a man. We grow up being taught to be cautious of being alone with any man, ever, even the doctor, sexual assault is rampant and it starts being a concern as soon as we stop wearing diapers. So we are taught our whole lives to assume any man can attempt to cause harm and to never be alone. Our first thought when a man walks into a room is “is this guy one I need to worry about? Can I take him? How can I escape?” Every. Time. I walk around everyday with that anxiety, and we meet strange men, alone, in hotel rooms to commit the most intimate, personal acts two people can do together. We are vulnerable.

    Now the best way I’ve been able to convey those fears to men so they can kinda understand is your nuts. You guys are always ready to defend any threat to your nuts. At any moment you’re ready to deflect. Well, you know that rush you get, that moment of panic? That’s moment is how we feel every time we meet a strange man or our paths cross with a strange man. We walk around all day with that anxiety and our assessment happens in a split second.

    Men don’t see the world as we do. They do not have the same concerns when meeting another in this industry/hobby/lifestyle. Our concerns are very different and men aren’t capable of fully understanding all aspects of our concerns. From explicit reviews detailing publicly sexual acts we’ve done attached to a dollar amount (incriminates is for prostitution) to having our personally intimate details shared on hobby boards that should be kept private to harmful men wanting to remain anonymous to continued hurting women.

    All the men seem to care about is how good is she in bed? What won’t she do? Is she a rob? Most don’t care if she’s pimped or managed.

    Having a lady at the helm not only is good for ladies but with that comes safety for clients too as it’s more balanced and not one sided putting all the risks on the lady.

    I think society of the Phoenix could be an amazing site if more people would use it. It truly is amazing with the privacy aspects, the advertising and search items being concealed unless you match. It’s got real potential.


    • Excellent viewpoints.

      Question for the ladies:
      What if a site was run by a male provider? Especially a gay male provider. They might have a professional & personal perspective similar to yours.
      (Purely hypothetical)


      • It’s still a man/male. It’s not the same although similar, even if it’s a gay man, our concerns and thoughts are still very different when accessing a situation, we also work very differently, the client base isn’t the same, they play by different rules that have nothing to do with hetero vanilla. Hearing from gay providers has been eye opening and they deal with shit us females never do. It’s a different ball game, pun intended. Hetero male escorts isn’t a large group, I don’t know of any, I know plenty of dudes that try to be but they’ve never gotten any work. Lol. Every dude wants to be a hetero escort so they can stop paying for pussy. Lol

        Liked by 1 person

    • Utterly false.






      MAKING 3K????

      Nope. See I m over 40. I had to work my ass off to be indie.

      We didn’t have cl or back page. It was a secret.

      These morons are greedy. And have you …the issue in this biz is GREED.

      that’s ironic. Because men want you to do things but not want you to not mean it lol.

      I’ve had so much success using a radical different technique…

      Applying my talents as a businessmin and liking what I do.



      She talked 5 min. Rushed me. I came to teehee then she kicked me out.


      I don’t do that. I really talk.

      Fill up that time. Trust me this creates a genuine purpose that works both ways. For those that can’t pay a lot but even more for those that can.

      Most of all because I respect men.

      Never have I mentored a girl that followed me totally.

      How is it I am stable happy and lead a responsible life and live it on the upper East side of Manhattan?

      Hard work and honesty. And skills and self love and being a good person.

      I want this industry to change.

      It starts with the women uniting.



  6. Scott! Please add these links (only if you wish) for further reading about PinkDate’s ICO fiasco…


    2. — that Hello Kitty picture at the end of the review tho

    “ICOs are often a bad deal for investors, with **no fundamental value, only speculation.** PinkDate is setting an example: investors deserve part of the company they’re investing in.”


    ** used to grab attention; emphasis


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